Carol Gutierrez
AHPRPA Reg: PSY0002342281
NDIS Reg. Number: 4050028432
A.B.N 79529179389
SIRA: 16399
Bowral N.S.W 2576
to Southern Highlands Counselling

Trauma is hell on earth.
Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods!
-Peter A Levine-
Meet Carol Gutierrez
Carol is located in the Southern Highlands of N.S.W. Her passion is in the trauma field which includes providing support to people who have experienced domestic and family violence, child protection issues, sexual assault, mental health and vicarious trauma. Carol has worked in a range of clinical settings including Corrective Services NSW, NSW Family and Community Services, Assessments Australia, Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia, 1800RESPECT, NSW Rape Crisis Centre and Sexual Assault Counselling Australia.

Practice Areas
Specialising in Interpersonal Violence & PTSD Symptom Management
Domestic &/or Family Violence
In Australia, I in 4 women and 1 in 13 men experience violence from an intimate partner. Family violence is a broader term than domestic violence, as it refers to violence between family members, such as elder abuse. Family violence includes violent or threatening behaviour, or any other form of behaviour that coerces or controls a family member or causes that family member to be fearful.
Vicarious Trauma Management
Vicarious trauma is where one is impacted through the exposure of traumatic material, such as through the work you do or supporting someone through a traumatic event. Vicarious trauma can impact us physically and psychologically. However, vicarious trauma can be managed so that impacts such as nightmares or a change in world view can be minimised.
In Australia, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 22 men experience sexual violence. Sexual violence is a sexual act committed against someone without that person’s freely given consent. Sexual violence can occur at any age and people can be physically and psychologically affected, having an adverse impact on their functioning.
As a trauma specialist and Cert IV accreditation, Carol has experience in delivering trauma specialist workshops to government and non-government organisations and speaking at conferences around Australia on issues such as:
- how people behave after experiencing trauma
- vicarious trauma
- how to respond to someone who has disclosed trauma
Feel free to contact Carol to discuss your group's education needs.
Grief & Loss
As human beings, we experience different types of grief. For example, the death of a loved one, (human or pet), the breakdown of relationships, or the loss of time such as childhood, can all affect us more than we anticipated. Talking to someone who understands and working on strategies to reduce the impact on one's functioning can benefit you and those around you.
Carol has provided her expertise regarding her knowledge on sexual assault, domestic/family violence and vicarious trauma to a number of corporate, government and non-government organisations, educational institutions and sporting groups.
She has assisted in the tailored formulation of the following policies:
- Domestic Violence Leave Policy
- Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Vicarious Trauma Management Plans
Feel free to contact Carol to discuss your group's consultancy needs.